
Your Feedback

Please spare a minute and give us your feedback
MicroWorld is committed to providing quality Products and Services.
Your Comments / suggestions will be used to help improve the quality of our Services and Products.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form concerning your experience.
(* Indicates compulsory fields)

Products, Support and Services Excellent Good Fair No Comment
How would you rate our eScan products range?
How would you rate our MailScan products range?
How appropriate was the product cost viz-a-viz the Product / Services provided?
How fast was MicroWorld's response to your suggestions and needs?
How did you find the quality of our Products / Services?
How informative do you find our website?
To what extent do you find our employee knowledge useful for resolving your problems?
To what extent were our service personnel responsive to your support needs?
How would you rate our following support Services
Personnel Support
Chat Support
Phone Support
EMail Support

Letters are not case-sensitive

*Indicates compulsory fields
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